We have experience in the automotive field since the year 1965 and we are the world leaders in supplying high-quality automotive parts for luxury vehicles (like Mercedes Benz, BMW, Bentley, Audi, Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo, Rolls Royce, Porsche, and Ferrari to name a few). Our key areas of specialisation include Braking Systems, Airmatic Suspension Systems and Manual Suspension Systems and more.

Why Kaxton?

We offer premium quality products at very reasonable prices. All credit goes to our Research and Development team, which constantly tests and develops new automotive materials resulting in enhancement of performance, durability and comfort of our products.

Air Suspension Self Adaptation

Kaxton Airmatic Air Suspension parts adapts the suspension to the prevailing conditions. The damping of each wheel self-adjusts according to the current driving situation and the condition of the road. This happens fast and precisely by means of two separate valves for rebound and compression in each damper. With increasing speed the soft and basic suspension set-up gains a safe handling stability. The separate adjustment of rebound and compression by means of dedicated valves results in reduced vibrations and thus quieter actuation noises.

By combining safety and comfort in pioneering fashion, Kaxton assumes the role of the trailblazer!